2022 News
May 17, 2022
There’s an amazing new rap sheet on Trump
A variety of Trump watchers have tracked Donald Trump’s business failures, lawsuits and assorted controversies. Now, Trump’s social media venture has released a rap sheet cataloguing the many stains on his long business career.
This remarkable disclosure occurs on page 107 of the registration statement Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16, providing key details of its planned merger with Trump’s new company, Trump Media & Technology Group. DWAC is a so-called blank check company set up last year that in October announced a deal to merge with Trump’s company, including the Truth Social messaging app. DWAC’s shares soared from $10 to $94 on the news. The shares now trade around $45.
The registration statement provides details relevant to shareholders, including risks they might want to know about. That’s where the fun begins. Many of the risks posted in 66 pages of disclosures are boilerplate startup concerns, such as tough competition or possible financing difficulty. Then comes a section you won’t see in any other business filing: “Risks Related to our Chairman President Donald J. Trump.”
This section includes five basic parts: A list of lawsuits Trump is involved in; a fraud charge the government levied against a Trump company 23 years ago; a list of Trump companies that have filed for bankruptcy; another set of Trump ventures that failed without declaring bankruptcy; and the rules governing Trump’s role in the company. Most of the information isn’t new, but this tidy compilation amounts to overt acknowledgement that Trump isn’t the business genius he makes himself out to be.
This does not even claim to be ‘an exhaustive list’
The first part advises shareholders that “President Trump is involved in numerous lawsuits and other matters that could damage his reputation, cause him to be distracted from the business or force him to resign.” The filing notes the ongoing Congressional inquiry into the 2021 riots at the Capitol, several lawsuits related to Trump’s bogus claims of election fraud, the Georgia probe that could charge Trump himself with election fraud, the New York state attorney general’s civil inquiry into possible tax evasion and the defamation suit filed by E. Jean Carroll, an author who accused Trump of raping her.
“The foregoing does not purport to be an exhaustive list,” the filing states. Then it helpfully references a 2016 USA Today story that tallied more than 3,500 lawsuits relating to Trump during his career.
[Follow Rick Newman on Twitter, sign up for his newsletter or send in your thoughts.]
The second part revisits a report Trump Hotels & Casinos Resorts put out in 1999 with inflated earnings. The SEC took note and ordered the company to change its reporting procedures.
“The earnings release was materially misleading,” the DWAC statement says.
The third part lists the Trump companies that have gone bankrupt. Trump claims there have only been four bankruptcies, because of the way three of the bankruptcies were grouped. But six entities went bankrupt, and the DWAC statement lists six.
“There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also become bankrupt,” it warns.
The fourth part lists other Trump ventures that failed without declaring bankruptcy, including Trump Shuttle, Trump University, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks.
“While all these businesses were in different industries than TMTG, there can be no guarantee that TMTG’s performance will exceed the performance of these entities,” the statement says.
The fifth part provides details of Trump’s personal role in the Trump Media & Technology Group, including Truth Social. There’s this tidbit: Trump is “generally obligated” to publish any social-media post on Truth Social first, and wait six hours before posting the same thing anywhere else. Trump has said he wouldn’t rejoin Twitter (TWTR), which banned him after the 2021 Capitol riots, even if it rescinded the ban. Now we can see he’d be constrained in posting on Twitter, anyway. There’s one loophole: Trump can post on any social media outlet if it’s “related to political messaging, political fundraising or get-out-the-vote efforts.”
The risk disclosures wrap us by declaring, “TMTG expressly acknowledges the controversial nature of being associated with President Trump and the possibility of any associated controversies affecting TMTG adversely.” But everybody knew that.
Analysts such as Bloomberg’s Matt Levine have lampooned the company for shabby financial analysis, but the stock rose about 9% on the day DWAC filed its statement with the SEC. That could reflect optimism that the merger seems to be on track, and it also reflects Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s on-and-off efforts to buy Twitter, which would be Truth Social’s top competitor. Musk has said he’d let Trump back on Twitter, but if Musk doesn’t buy the company, Trump wouldn’t have that option. That, in turn, could make Truth Social more prominent.
DWAC investors seem completely unfazed by Trump’s troubled history. When you ride with Trump, you expect some swerving. At least you’ve been reminded to buckle up.
2020 News
November 3. 2020
The Problem with Polls
The problem with polls and surveys: They require that those being polled or surveyed tell the truth. And it’s a problem because Trump has demonstrated that lying may not have the consequences that we once took for granted. Potentially, it is also a problem for the criminal justice and the jury systems: they only “work” if lying and telling the truth are at opposite ends of the spectrum, with punishment meted out for lying and rewards being provided for telling the truth. If Trump wins the election, it will have proved that lying lacks consequences in our society today. It will not be about the methodology of polls and surveys. Simply, it will be that people have lied. And that is the ugliest truth. Comment at, est. 2015.
September 16. 2020
Indulge me on this. It took Woodward 18 interviews and 450 pages to reach the conclusion that Trump was/is the wrong man for the job. Below is my “editorial” posted in May 2017 on Woodward’s conclusion is so similar that one might think that he plagia
May 13, 2017–It happens more frequently than we want to admit. Someone aces the interview and despite a resume or work history that doesn’t quite fit, you go ahead and make the hire.
Immediately, you notice that something is not quite. What seemed a strength during the interview becomes a liability once the job begins. Your gut begins to wrench, but you disregard the feeling and reassure yourself that in time it will work out.
The truth is that those situations seldom get better. Bad hires are bad hires. While an analysis of where you got it wrong is intellectually an attractive exercise, the reality is that at the moment it doesn’t matter. The best and, usually only, course of action is to cut the losses immediately. I say “usually” because once in a great while the new hire comes to the same conclusion and makes the first move, admitting that the new position is not working out for either party.
And so we have Donald Trump.
Whether you agree with his politics or find him a deplorable, being President of the United States is a bad fit for him and for us. The “probationary” period is over. The Constitution, the way the country needs to be governed and his personal style do not mesh. Not now and not ever. The republic is built on a foundation of principles that are not easily changed. His leadership style is built on a dynamic that will not change.
No one need take the blame; no one need accuse the other. It is a bad fit and both parties need to move on. The country with a new leader and Trump back to what he does best outside of the government.
Continuing the pattern of accusations and recriminations is the absolutely wrong course. Admitting that it’s time to hit the reset button is much preferable to the rabbit hole that we are collectively populating.
Posted on Facebook by Jeremy Tobin
August 27, 2020 – Truth be told when I first heard the term “White Privilege” I was a bit put off. I didn’t like the fact that people were saying I had advantages just because of the color of my skin. This term like so many others that have been popularized over the last few months, has been quite divisive. Since George Floyd’s sickening murder I have been doing some deep soul searching as I relearn the History of this country. I wanted to know how we got to this point in time with our country literally on the brink of Civil War. It didn’t take long for me to figure out what the term meant to me. Simply put the term White Privilege means that as a White Person you are more likely to be innocent until proven guilty. It means that If you are white you and your family were probably not subject to the blatant systemic racism that this country was built on. It means that if you are a white 17 year old you can walk around the streets of a City armed with an assault rifle for hours, walk by countless police officers shoot 3 people, walk away and drive home with your mom. That to me is the epitome of white privilege.
What the term doesn’t mean, as many people will try to lead you to believe is that what you have worked so hard for has been given to you just because of the color of your skin. If you as a white person cannot see that the color of your skin gives you certain life altering advantages then I don’t think we can be friends.
We are all born with no say in where we were born, when we were born, who we were born to or what color of skin we were born with. We were also born not to hate, that is a taught and learned behavior. I was fortunate to be raised in a family that taught me to be open-minded and to accept people for who they are. We choose to raise our Children the same way.
This post is not meant to offend anyone, its just my humble opinion on where we are and what we need to do move forward.
June 19, 2020–Facebook – The Trump Family Gathering model must resemble a Festivus Celebration. First, there is the ritual signing of the NDA, followed by The Taking of the Knee before the Great Orange One and, then and only then, the Parade of Lawyers who pair up with the celebrants. Trust me, this is true. Comment at
June 4, 2020
An Important Challenge from a Prominent California Attorney
Dear Secretaries Perdue (Agriculture), Ross (Commerce), Esper (Defense), DeVos (Education), Brouillette (Energy), Azar (Health and Human Services), Wolf (Homeland Security), Carson (HUD), Bernhardt (Interior), Scalia (Labor), Vought (OMB), Pompeo (State), Chao (Transportation), Mnuchin (Treasury), Wilkie (Veterans Affairs), Attorney General William Barr, CIA Director Gina Haspel, EPA Administrator Wheeler, SBA Administer Carranza, U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer, Vice President Pence, and White House Chief of Staff Meadows:
Each of you took the following oath of office:
“I___ do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution you swore to uphold states:
“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro temper of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”
Will you uphold your duty under the Constitution of the United to States to which you swore allegiance? Or will you silently bow to the destruction of our republic?
# silence is complicity.
Reveals Insider Disdain of Trump’s Re-election Odds
Wall Street Journal Listings Seen Early Warning Sign
June 1, 2020—While pundits continue to search for indications of which way the 2020 presidential election will go, Washington D.C. political insiders are seeing signs that point to a bad result for the sitting president and the Republican Party.
The key, they say, is a one-half page ad that ran in the real estate section of Friday’s (May 28) edition of the Wall Street Journal. Placed by the firm Washington Fine Properties, the placement included 24 residences with a mean price of nearly $3 million and average price topping $4.9 million. There was only one priced below $1 million, with most expensive a Georgetown property listed at $15.5 million.
“Typically, as we approach an election cycle, the real estate market heats up as political appointees and elected officials begin the process of leveraging their affiliation with the current administration in hopes of landing a high-paying private sector job,” said one unnamed former D.C. real estate investor who was involved in the market during five previous cycles.
“But this has a different feeling. These homes are by and large not on Capitol Hill where Democrats hang out, but in places like Georgetown and Cleveland Park. When those homes go on the market, it’s a ‘follow the money’ scenario.
Officials at the website, which noticed the Wall Street Journal ad, admitted that the “indications” were not empirical, but “we all know where the reliance on polling numbers led us in the 2016 election.”
The website, created in August 2015, has been continuously surveying attitudes and reactions to President Donald J. Trump. Since its inception, more than 20,000 individuals have responded to the site.
2019 News
November 2019 comments published on Yahoo!News
Donald Trump Apparently Thought Roger Stone Had Inside Information On WikiLeaks
There you go again using “thought” and Trump in the same sentence/headline when we all know that never the twain shall meet. Comment at
UPDATE 2-In reversal, Mulvaney says he won’t sue over impeachment probe subpoena
This is not going to end well. The person occupying the Oval office is like a spoiled and privileged child (no surprise) with a monumental ego problem coupled with a serious intelligence problem (not much there). Comment at
March 2019 comments published on Yahoo!News
Trump calls House vote condemning hate ‘a disgrace’
Let’s parse the numbers: 407 of 435 members of Congress voted to condemn "hate" and our esteemed president called it "disgraceful." Most people would consider, for instance, paying hush money to a porn star to prevent your wife from knowing about your adultery "disgraceful." Not so, with the President. Odd set of values. Comment at
Stormy Daniels’ Lawsuit Against Trump Over Nondisclosure Agreement Tossed by Judge
Always heartening to know when your president can claim a "victory" in a legal battle with a porn star and be proud of the "victory" despite the fact that he paid her hush money, lied to his wife and committed adultery. You go, Donnie, way to set an example of being a good father and husband for those adoring masses of yours. Comment at
Jared Kushner goes rogue in Saudi Arabia, prompting national security concerns
A regime led by someone who is being played by our adversaries as a "useful idiot" trusting his inexperienced and not so bright son-in-law to advise and to negotiate with one of the most oppressive regimes in the world in a region that is always about to explode. What could go wrong? Comment at
Trump news – President ‘very disappointed’ in reports North Korea rebuilding missile site as Democrats threaten impeachment
He has become a useful idiot to every nation in the world, particularly those who are avowed enemies. Comment at
GOP senator: Trump lied about hush money payments because he ‘loves his family’
Let me get this straight, he slept with porn stars because he "loved his family." What drug is this fellow on? Also, that would make that Biblical statement about adultery kind of non-starter. Comment at
Who’s getting document requests from House Dems in new probe
Monday, "I will cooperate and turn over requested documents." Tuesday, "I will not provide documents requested." Gotta hand it to him. He has sped up the process of either contradicting himself or lying to light speed. At that, he is a savant. Comment at
Donald Trump slams Democratic investigations, as WH lawyer rejects document requests
This is his definition of "cooperating," just saying he will and then not doing it. Comment at
Fordham confirms that Trump team threatened the school if his grades became public
This is one very angry, insecure and out-of-control guy. It is not a "pattern," it is him. Comment at
NYT catches Trump in apparent lie about Jared Kushner’s security clearance
Catching Trump in a lie is low-hanging fruit. Comment at
2018 News
FACEBOOK – May 23, 2018
Gary Tobin anyone who had even the common sense to look into how the Korean conflict of the 50s played out would have understood exactly how the North Koreans “negotiate.” They played Trump for someone who paid no attention, surrounded himself with acolytes who paid no attention and then ultimately played him for a sucker. Which he proved to be.
May 18, 2018
Gary Tobin Reality check: Somewhere in the annals of memos that Trump didn’t read is the one that laid out a strategy which would have been much more effective for him and played to his style. It said simply, don’t actually run for President, simply toy with the debates and then step aside and build your own TV cable network as your bully pulpit. Rule it, pontificate from it, choose the programming and the staff and Tweet to your heart’s content. It argued that he could maintain his lifestyle, supersede the actual president in terms of presence and coverage and develop his acolyte base beyond any politician’s.
But Trump’s hubris has always been that he doesn’t read documents, has little patience for “strategy” and is easily enticed by “title.” It was a huge, you should pardon the expression, miscalculation on his part. Does he rue the day that he didn’t read the memo? Probably not because he is not a deep thinker and has difficulty accepting what others would acknowledge: he has shortcomings which cannot be overcome by simply doing the same thing over and over. Change, as in the sense of growth, is another one of the characteristics that has eluded him throughout his life.
Difficult for him; tragic for us. Comment at
May 5 at 12:52pm
White House doctor assigned to Pence resigns
White House lobby entrance: “Next in line, please. Choose, ‘Fired,’ ‘Resigned,’ ‘I withdraw,’ ‘Indicted,’ ‘Under investigation,’ ‘I plead the 5th,’ ‘I’d like to re-word that statement.'” Comment at
Gary Tobin
If one were to examine the Trump strain of DNA, one would likely find that it shares traits with tree trunks and did not evolve along the same path of the rest of the human race. Comment at
Gary Tobin
His comments were anything but “off script.” They were a reflection of his own belief system and that of the Trump Regime. It has been repeated too often implicitly and explicitly to be chalked up to being “misconstrued.” This is what these guys believe and support. Comment at
Pro 64 /Con 11
Gary Tobin
If this is what we have become and Trump symbolizes what we stand for, then it is time that we reconsidered our own individual moral authenticity. We have, unfortunately, turned into what we have fought for centuries: we now rapidly becoming a nation with no core purpose, a collection of people who are equally selfish and ignorant and an example of what occurs when anger replaces civility and
Pro/95 Con/ 10
Inside the GOP’s Rocky Relationship with Donald Trump
Gary Tobin
Doing a deal with the devil has its consequences. GOP: What you see is what you get and it’s ugly and incompetent leadership. Acolytes and ostriches are his only supporters. For the rest, November can’t come too soon because the day of reckoning, while quite gruesome, is going to demonstrate that words have meaning and inane/mean-spirited Tweets will not be forgotten. Comment at f
Pro 174 /Con 19
For Trump and the GOP, a bleak start for a high-stakes week
Gary Tobin
The Trump reality is that it’s only Monday and he can make it worse as he does inevitably each day. It’s not that he doesn’t get it (he doesn’t), but that he only cares about seeing his name on the news. “Look mommy and daddy, see everyone is looking at me. See, I am important.” Comment at
Pro 19/Con 0
No, not hiding anything here. Nope, not us, says the Trump Regime. We’re entirely open to answering questions because we have nothing to hide. Yeah, sure. Comment at
Pro 18/Con 0
Fox News Judicial Analyst Issues Dark Warning To Trump Over Michael Cohen
Gary Tobin
Leave it to Trump to select as his personal attorney, someone whose telephone number was 1-800-MRFIXIT, extension 45. Comment at
Pro 7 /Con 0
Former White House photographer Pete Souza drags Trump over Florida high school shooting comment
Gary Tobin
What in heaven’s name would make you be a “trump supporter?” His lack of honesty; his constant tweeting or just his general ill will towards anyone, well anyone, who isn’t him. Comment at but thanks for you honesty, a term not associated with the tweetmaster general.
Pro 19/ Con 1
Trump Slams Protections For Immigrants From ‘Shithole’ Countries: Reports
Gary Tobin
His heart and his mind are just where we think they are. He’s pretty much an example of a privileged boy who managed to dodge the draft, live off daddy’s money and chase girls all the while lying his way to whatever he “attained.” When he failed, he simply did what spoiled children do, he blamed it on others and, in his case, declared bankruptcy, then moved on. If you want to know who he really cares about all you have to do is look at who he sees in the mirror when he preens every morning. Comment at
Pro 1109/ Con 197
By Leah Garchik – March 14, 2018
Since the October 2015 introduction of his website, Fedupwithdonald, Gary Tobinhas been monitoring comments on the presidency left on the site. Tobin says that the biggest response has been from people who reside (in order) in the U.S., then Canada, then Russia.
Sometimes, he translates the comments to see what audience he is reaching. A message received last week, translated from Russian, named a website and then said it “offers to buy a warm floor in Moscow inexpensively and as quickly as possible. We offer a delivery service and convenient ways of paying for orders?”
Is this an offer for an apartment rental in Moscow? Robo-generated by the word “Trump” in the site’s name?
“Should I be turning over my records to Mueller?” asks Tobin.
2017 News
‘Soon,’ ‘Very Soon,’ ‘Eventually’: A Detailed List of Things Trump Said Would Happen
President Trump regularly says that his policy goals – an Obamacare repeal, an infrastructure bill, an overhaul of the tax code, a border wall, among others – will happen “soon,” “very soon,” “very, very soon,” “in the coming weeks” or even “immediately.”
This tendency is perhaps most prominent in Mr. Trump’s descriptions of Republicans’ efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Those efforts officially failed, for now, on Tuesday.
Below, in chronological order, is how Mr. Trump has described what would happen to Obamacare since his election:
Statements about repealing and replacing Obamacare
We’re going to be submitting a health care plan as soon as our secretary’s approved 8 months ago
We’ll be filing a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare as our secretary is approved and gets into the office 8 months ago
The Affordable Care Act will be history soon 8 months ago
Less expensive and really great health care within a year 7 months ago
Obamacare will be repealed very soon 7 months ago
A health care plan will be released fairly soon 7 months ago
A health care reform plan will be coming out soon 7 months ago
Health care reform will get taken care of ideally soon 6 months ago
Obamacare will fold very, very soon if something isn’t done 6 months ago
Obamacare will cease to exist at some point in the near future6 months ago
Obamacare will explode soon 6 months ago
Democrats will make a deal on health care as soon as Obamacare folds 6 months ago
Health care reform is going to happen at some point 5 months ago
A good chance of getting health care reform next week or shortly thereafter 5 months ago
Health care in the U.S. will be great soon 4 months ago
An Obamacare replacement bill as soon as we can do it 3 months ago
A great answer on health care reform soon 3 months ago
Health care reform that reduces premiums 60 to 70 percent very soon 2 months ago
The Senate is going to be forced to make a deal on Obamacare repeal at some point 8 days ago
We’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare eventually 6 days ago
We will win on health care reform eventuall 4 days ago
Eventually, we’ll win on health care reform, whether it’s now or later 4 days ago
The Site Reveals Results Based on Two Years of Continuous Polling
With Nearly 15,000 Hits Tabulated, Survey Uncovers Increasing Agreement, Mostly Negative Attitudes toward Trump
San Rafael, CA—August 9, 2017—After two years since its establishment, the polling/survey site ( has revealed a sweeping and increasingly vehement dissatisfaction with President Donald J. Trump, according Gary Tobin, who created the venture more than a year before the election.
“We started with four issues and several attributes for site visitors to vote on and a Comment box to allow them to express their opinions. In the beginning the lines leaned in a general direction but there was still some support for the Republican,” said Tobin, a former journalist and current corporate communications and marketing consultant.
“That has all changed. As a result, I have revised the site to seek additional information about attitudes and opinions,” he said. “Because it appears that Trump has jumped the shark, I launched the new version concurrent with the first broadcast of the latest ‘Sharknado’ movie.”
Tobin said the results, based on nearly 15,000 hits, have revealed a monumental plummeting in such attributes as “businessman,” “outspoken” or “entertaining.”
He said, “in the first several months as many as 20 percent of the survey responses included mention of his ‘businessman’ stature. In July 2017, for the entire month, the percentage was less than one-tenth of one percent. On the other hand, responses that incorporated ‘egotistical, unfavorable, crazy, buffoon, bombastic and arrogant’ reached nearly 35 percent each, up from the 10-15 percent range.”
To emphasize what he described as an “intense dissatisfaction” and “growing concern” across the board, Tobin noted that during the first five days of August 2017 that votes exceeded the total for the entire previous month. “If the initial pace of August continues we will exceed the entire number of hits in the’s 24-month history in 30 days.
Tobin, who personally counts each ballot, noted that he does not include “votes” from Russia which he noted have increased steadily. “In the first few months, the UK, Mexico and Canada were three non-U.S. countries that provided the most “alien” hits. Since late 2016, the number from Russia, often with comments in Russian, has increased steadily. For security reasons, I do not open any of those ballots.”
The number of “votes” to hits, about 35 percent, has remained constant. “As I’ve said previously, I don’t claim to be scientific or that the results are predictive,” he said. “However, the anti-Trump sentiment is increasing and people’s patience with White House chaos in lessening.”
Tobin, who is self-funding the site, tallies and logs every vote the old fashioned way (by hand) “lest I be audited.” Unlike Trump, he does not solicit funding on his site. The site collects no additional information about voters, is not involved with “cookies” and obtains only the referring site URL from responses.
“There are no current commercial aspects to the site,” he said, although he has produced a limited number of baseball caps, “which for the moment I have restricted to my immediate family.”
May 13, 2017–It happens more frequently than we want to admit. Someone aces the interview and despite a resume or work history that doesn’t quite fit, you go ahead and make the hire.
Immediately, you notice that something is not quite. What seemed a strength during the interview becomes a liability once the job begins. Your gut begins to wrench, but you disregard the feeling and reassure yourself that in time it will work out.
The truth is that those situations seldom get better. Bad hires are bad hires. While an analysis of where you got it wrong is intellectually an attractive exercise, the reality is that at the moment it doesn’t matter. The best and, usually only, course of action is to cut the losses immediately. I say “usually” because once in a great while the new hire comes to same conclusion and makes the first move, admitting that the new position is not working out for either party.
And so we have Donald Trump.
Whether you agree with his politics or find him a deplorable, being President of the United States is a bad fit for him and for us. The “probationary” period is over. The Constitution , the way the country needs to be governed and his personal style do not mesh. Not now and not ever. The republic is built on a foundation of principles that are not easily changed. His leadership style is built on a dynamic that will not change.
No one need take the blame; no one need accuse the other. It is a bad fit and both parties need to move on. The country with a new leader and Trump back to what he does best outside of the government.
Continuing the pattern of accusations and recriminations is the absolutely wrong course. Admitting that it’s time to hit the reset button is much preferable to the rabbit hole that we are collectively populating.
Sometimes It’s Best To Move On
It happens more frequently than we want to admit. Someone aces the interview and despite a resume or work history that doesn’t quite fit, you go ahead and make the hire.
Immediately, you notice that something is not exactly right. What seemed a strength during the interview becomes a liability once the job begins. Your gut begins to wrench, but you disregard the feeling and reassure yourself that in time it will work out.
The truth is that those situations seldom get better. Bad hires are bad hires. While an analysis of where you got it wrong is intellectually an attractive exercise, the reality is that at the moment it doesn’t matter. The best and, usually only, course of action is to cut the losses immediately. I say “usually” because once in a great while the new hire comes to same conclusion and makes the first move, admitting that the new position is not working out for either party.
And so we have Donald Trump.
Whether you agree with his politics or find him a deplorable, being President of the United States is a bad fit for him and for us. The “probationary” period is over. The Constitution , the way the country needs to be governed and his personal style do not mesh. Not now and not ever. The republic is built on a foundation of principles that are not easily changed. His leadership style is built on a dynamic that will not change.
No one need take the blame; no one need accuse the other. It is a bad fit and both parties need to move on. The country with a new leader and Trump back to what he does best outside of the government.
Continuing the pattern of accusations and recriminations is the absolutely wrong course. Admitting that it’s time to hit the reset button is much preferable to the rabbit hole that we are collectively populating.
By Leah Garchik – April 24, 2017 1:27pm
Gary Tobin says his website (, created before the election, has had 15,000 responses. Among the comments: “Norvasc Active Ingredient: Amiodipine is used for treating high blood pressure and angina (chest pain).”
March 2017 – POV – Political Uncertainty
Jim Wood, while it pains me to no end to disagree with your optimistic perspective (POV, “An Optimist’s Outlook,” February) about the presidency of Donald Trump, I must for several reasons. My take is decidedly dystopian. He could, for instance, issue executive orders that could cut off federal funding to all designated sanctuary cities. He will, presumably, nominate someone for the Supreme Court who will tip the balance and become part of a panel that overturns much of the progress that has been made over five decades. If he is to implement his promises for the first 100 days, I would expect that they will include rescinding most, if not all, of President Obama’s executive orders. Bottom line, this is not a new administration, it is a new regime, with all the potential threats that an authoritarian brings to the table. He will not be bored because his ambitions don’t really have much to do with change as much as they do ensuring that he is the constant center of attention. GARY TOBIN, VIA EMAIL, submitted January 20, 2017
President-elect’s pledge to ‘drain the swamp’ is all wet
Hey, Trumpkins — have you worked it out yet? Is the truth dawning on you, or are you still in the dark?
See if you can put it all together from the resumes of those in President-elect Donald Trump’s closest political circle so far:
Treasury secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin: Goldman Sachs.
Chief strategist Steve Bannon: Goldman Sachs.
Transition adviser Anthony Scaramucci: Goldman Sachs.
Commerce secretary nominee Wilbur Ross: Rothschild & Co.
Possible budget director Gary Cohn: Goldman Sachs.
Potential secretary of state Mitt Romney: Bain Capital.
Trump is just getting started. Check out that “swamp draining.” The whole thing is just draining before our eyes! Take that, Wall Street! Take that, “international financial cabal!”
Trumpkins, you’ve been scammed. There’s a sucker in this game — and it’s you. And by the way, what’s the best-performing stock in the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.17% since the election?
Goldman Sachs. GS, -1.50%
Yes, really. Shares are up 24%, to $225 from $182 when the market closed on November 8. The next biggest gainer: Wall Street powerhouse JP Morgan Chase JPM, -0.64%
Half of the Dow’s gain since the election, in fact, is due to just those two Wall Street stocks. By contrast, shares of “Main Street” companies Johnson & Johnson JNJ, +0.47% Procter & Gamble PG, +0.42% and Coca-Cola KO, +0.12% are down.
According to company documents, the partners at Goldman own 30.65 million shares. Which means that the partners at Goldman Sachs, in total, are $1.3 billion richer than they were on November 8, thanks to Trump’s election.
Remember when Trump and his proxies assailed Hillary Clinton for allegedly being too close to Goldman Sachs because she gave a couple of speeches there? Trump even singled out Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein, plus other Jews, in a sinister campaign commercial that inveighed against an “international financial structure” that cheated ordinary American workers. The 2016 election is “a choice between Donald Trump and Goldman Sachs,” insisted NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden earlier this year.
What a number Trump has played on the “poorly educated.” No wonder he said he loves them.
Trumpkins are learning the hard way what happens when you buy an investment scheme from a con-artist. I’ve been writing about scam artists for more than 20 years. They always promise you the moon — that is, until your check clears.
When will these voters get it? Maybe never. Author Maria Konnivoka notes in her book The Confidence Game that many victims refuse to admit they’ve been scammed — no matter what the evidence. Indeed, she says, many just keep coming back for more. This is something I’ll bet Donald Trump knows full well, and which he’s banking on (pun intended) in 2020.
2016 News
From San Francisco Chronicle, December 2, 2016, Leah Garchik column
From San Francisco Chronicle, December 2, 2016, Leah Garchik column
Leaked Research Reveals New Gene, Tentatively Named “Trump ‘16”
October 7, 2016–Researchers have discovered that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may be missing the newly discovered “accountability” gene (tentatively named Trump ’16), according to leaked information obtained by
“Rumors of its existence have been around for decades, but until now it had never been ‘seen,’” said Gary Tobin, creator of “The site has attracted thousands of ‘voters’ and more than a few have commented about the possibility of a genetic malady based on their observations of his behavior.”
Tobin said that although many people of have told him that they believe the gene exists and that he has seen mention on the Internet (“trust me on this”), he would not reveal his sources nor could he vouch for the veracity of the research. “But it’s on the minds of many, many people,” he said. He characterized it as a discovery akin to a successful conclusion of the search for cold fusion, teleportation and the cloak of invisibility.
With the emergence of Trump, the trait, heretofore considered an aberration, has attracted the attention of researchers who have concluded that the gene is often replaced and masked by the “I am the only one” gene, which has now emerged as a man-made anomaly.
According to Tobin’s unnamed sources, the “accountability gene” is environmentally influenced by such factors as “the silver spoon in the mouth” trait, which can be identified at birth. Later manifestations include language patterns dominated by “I have been misconstrued” and “none of your business.” Individuals lacking the “accountability” gene are prone to financial bankruptcies, elevated levels of litigation and a proclivity toward unsubstantiated claims about hand and genital size, personal wealth and business accomplishments. They may also exhibit qualities that would make them personally shy from physical confrontations which they are prone to attempt to incite. This characteristic has been tentatively dubbed the “bully coward syndrome.”
Tobin disclaimed any self-interest in the discovery and says that he has had no direct conversation with the scientific community nor has he been able to independently verify its authenticity.
“As I said, many, many people have told me that they believe that it is not a rumor, that it is a fact,” he said.
Trump solidifies position as one issue candidate in continuing poll
Immigration Takes a 5-1 Lead Over
Taxes, Healthcare and Jobs (Combined) By Respondents at
San Rafael, CA—July 21, 2016
After 10 months of polling at, voters have resoundingly declared that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump resonates on a single issue, immigration.
Asked to choose among four issues (healthcare, jobs, immigration and taxes), respondents have declared that immigration, by a 5 to 1 margin over the other three (combined), is the single issue with which they identify him.
“Not only is the margin enormous, but it is also trending up,” said Gary Tobin, who has been conducting the polling on his site ( since October of 2015. “Days go by when there isn’t a single respondent who identifies Trump with anything other than immigration.”
Tobin said the response rate of 35 percent of site visitors who vote has remained steady for more than six months. “While I don’t claim that the poll is scientific, the results are remarkably consistent over time.”
Attributes that have been seen as “identifiers” of Trump’s style are clearly delineated by voters. “’Egotistical,’ which is singled out by 20 percent of the voters, continues to attract the most votes and has increased dramatically (10 percent) in the last 30 days. Rounding out the Top 3 are ‘buffoon’ at 14.7 percent and his proclivity to ‘insult people’ at 13.6 percent,” Tobin said.
Tobin, who is self-funding the site through his company (TOBIN & Associates), tallies and logs every vote the old fashioned way (by hand) “lest I be audited.” Unlike Trump, he does not solicit funding on his site “although I have considered going into the baseball cap business with the logo which I own.”
July 17, 2016
“Donald is most famous for his semi-intelligible speech and his mischievous and temperamental personality. … His anger is a great cause of suffering in his life. On multiple occasions, it has caused him to get in over his head and lose competitions. There are times when he fights to keep his temper in check, and he sometimes succeeds in doing so temporarily, but he always returns to his normal angry self in the end. … He can sometimes come across as a bit of a bully. … His love of bragging often leads him to overestimate his abilities, so that when he sets out to make good on his boasts, he gets in over his head, usually to hilarious effect.”
… Thanks to Gary Tobin for this Wikipedia description of Donald Duck.
The Man Who Built a Wall Around Himself
July 9, 2016
For all his rhetoric and 140-character Tweets, Trump is genetically unable to build a coalition with the very people who should be allies. Rather than cementing their opposition to his opponent, he seems bent on alienating them.
For 50 years, he has employed a specific, confrontational behavior. Judging by his serial bankruptcy filings and his 3500 lawsuits, its success rate is only defensible in his own mind.
Increasingly he has become a one-note, one issue candidate who can no longer claim that he is self-funded; who long ago abandoned his pledge to release his tax returns (“none of your business”); who demonstrated his support of veterans by denouncing ex-POWs as “not heroes in his book,” and has self-proclaimed a “very good brain” all the while unknowledgeable about the very Constitution that he wants to enforce.
Renewed Interest in As Nomination Process Draws to a Close
Business Wire, May 6, 2016
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. – After six months of polling, the results at ( clearly indicate that the self-proclaimed “presumptive” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump resonates with voters on only a single issue: immigration, according Gary Tobin, who produces the poll.
“Of four issues measured, interest in his views on immigration outnumber those of his stance on taxes, healthcare and jobs combined by five to one,” Tobin said. “Earlier, there had been a modest amount of feedback on healthcare but that has tailed off significantly. Taxes and jobs went the way Lindsay Graham and Rick Walker early.”
Tobin said that nearly 35 percent of the nearly 5000 who have visited the website voted in at least one category.
“I don’t claim to be scientific or that the results are predictive,” he said. “However, it is clear the comments reflect those published at other sites and that a lot of people are looking for another candidate to support.”
The top-rated “attribute” for Trump continues to be that he is “egotistical,” followed closely by those who consider him a “buffoon.” Rounding out the Top 3 is his penchant to “insult people.”
“It’s safe to conclude that there is a large group of voters who adamantly oppose him,” Tobin said. “There is also a very vocal contingent best characterized by the comment ‘I don’t care what he does or says, I am going to vote for him.’”
Tobin, who is self-funding the site, tallies and logs every vote the old fashioned way (by hand) “lest I be audited.” Unlike Trump, he does not solicit funding on his site.
“I did inquire at the company that produces Trump’s ‘Make America Great’ baseball caps about whether it would manufacture ‘’ versions. That door has not been closed.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has operated from offices in San Rafael since 2004. It was founded in 1995. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
Latest polling results from Indicate voters are beginning to tune him out
Comments, votes reveal growing recognition of Repetitive messaging only resonates with Core supporters
San Rafael, CA—March 17, 2016—There is growing trend among “voters” at and from comments at various Internet media sites that indicates that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has hit a wall with his one-note approach to campaigning, according Gary Tobin, who started the poll in October 2015.
Tobin, who said he monitors the poll results daily, said, “The trend is clear. Across the board, in the polling results and from comments posted variously at Disqus, the Washington Post, Yahoo!, Facebook and, more people are tuning him out. While his base is apparently willing to dismiss anything he says or to blame the media, there is a clear indication he is making little headway in the broader electorate.”
Citing poll results that increasingly trend towards describing him as “egotistical and arrogant,” there is little evidence that outside of immigration that he has gained any traction when issues such as job growth, taxes or foreign policy are raised, according to Tobin.
“My caveat is that is not a scientific poll,” he said. “It was designed to elicit responses and to identify characteristics and issues that resonate with respondents about Trump. Having said that, I can report that the results are consistent with the comment sites that I monitor. His base is his base, but as the race narrows, he is not attracting supporters from other candidates.
“He plays his audiences well and has mastered the showman’s art of applause lines, but because his rap is repetitive and without much substance, he might become the political version of a one-hit wonder. At this point, the ‘hit’ is ‘we’re going to build a wall…and make America great again.’”
Tobin, who reviews and logs every vote, said that his site had attracted as many “votes” in the first week of February as it did in the entire month of January and that the pace of the past 30 days indicated that it would double again.
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has operated from offices in San Rafael since 2004. It was founded in 1995. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
Wall Street Is Terrified of President Trump
March 3, 2016, at 8:25 a.m.–The March 1 primaries are history, and whether you think the Republican voting populaceturned it into Stupid Tuesday or Soothsayer Tuesday, you might as well get used to the sound of this phrase, because it’s now a very distinct possibility. Ready?
President Donald J. Trump.
Increasingly it looks like 2016 will give America the most surreal election it’s ever seen: A former first lady married to an impeached ex-president squaring off against a billionaire reality TV show star. But if you’ve got money riding on this – and we’re not talking Las Vegas bets here – you’re likely less concerned with the outcome per se as what it’s going to do to your portfolio.
While Trump may be rich, he’s not going to send you lucre should the market head south. In other words: Don’t expect a big check, but rather a big reality check.
“From an economic and market point of view, a Trump presidency would be a disaster,” says Barry Randall, technology portfolio manager for Covestor and a registered investment adviser in Boston. “But it’s less of one if the Democrats retake the Senate and possibly the House.”
While the scenario might not make sense, “The stock market typically thrives with political deadlock,” Randall says. “But categorically, Wall Street hates uncertainty. Trump defines uncertainty because even he doesn’t seem to know what’s going to come out of his mouth.”
That view gets the vote of Gary Tobin, a former journalist and now the principal of Tobin & Associates in San Rafael, California. “The problem for Wall Street would be that he lacks any particular economic philosophy and is not predictable. He seemingly makes decisions and lays out proposals like a Roomba cleaning a floor: bouncing from one place to another.”
But for now, at least Trump played his Roomba card (or his trump card, if you prefer) mopping the floor in those Super Tuesday primaries. Surely the voters, having spoken, must know something market observers don’t, right?
Not necessarily, especially when it comes to who’s best for business. “We don’t believe that Trump represents something good for America,” says David L. Bahnsen, managing director and partner of HighTower and based in Newport Beach, California. “The question is, which candidate is most likely to deliver a pro-growth policy paradigm?”
And in terms of certain sectors, it doesn’t matter which Super Tuesday big winner, Trump or Hillary Clinton, lands in the White House. “With both candidates, we believe health care and biotech are vulnerable, as they’re making veiled and non-veiled threats to pursue price controls,” Bahnsen says. “With Trump, his economic nativism makes multinational companies who rely on lots of global trade vulnerable … and the Hillary Clinton of 2016 is running as anti-bank, anti-big pharma, and anti-free markets.”
Trump’s business background might make him appear the more preferable choice, but that’s a surface reading at best. “President George W. Bush was also promoted as a successful businessman on his way into office, thanks to his Harvard MBA and his ownership stake in the Texas Rangers baseball team,” Randall says. “But those business skills never seemed to play a role in America’s economic growth.”
“In my view, Wall Street would be very uncomfortable with a Trump victory,” says Paul Bennett, a clinical professor of finance and business economics at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business and former chief economist at the New York Stock Exchange.
Bennett sees two downsides to a Trump win. “First, Trump is very unpredictable and would cause problems for the U.S. throughout the world. Second, investors and traders in general would not view Trump as a Wall Street insider, or even a broadly sophisticated businessman, since his most visible business is so idiosyncratic and self-promotional.”
Yet it wouldn’t even take a Trump victory to make markets nervous: just a whiff would be enough. “Markets will be weakened as the probability of Trump victory rises,” Bennett says, noting that Clinton might actually be the preferable candidate on that score. “Hillary would be better for Wall Street because she is not an ideologue and is unlikely to take big steps to rein in Wall Street.”
Indeed, it might be better if Trump’s stump speeches steer from controversy and talk about maintaining the vitality of a stock market that can still see the wreckage of the Great Recession in the rearview mirror. Bennett believes that a Trump victory would have one very weak silver lining: “Export dependent industries might be relatively helped if the U.S. dollar tanks on a Trump victory.”
And as for investors’ concerns abroad, “Trump’s isolationist and protectionist rhetoric would not bode well for other countries’ economies or their capital markets if he were elected,” Randall says.
So in the meantime, you may want to hang on to your long-term investments like a roller-coaster bar – and for those get-rich-quick types, there’s no worse time for market timing than election time.
“The period from the convention through the election will tell us a lot more,” Bahnsen says. “Our opinion is that if this develops into a Hillary versus Trump race, the market will spend the second half of the year pricing in a Hillary victory. If we end up being wrong about that – in other words, if Trump really can beat Hillary – that will be the tale the Street has to price in.” Polling Reveals Heightened Anger with Candidate
Results Indicate that Public has Reached Tipping Point, Respondents Indicate Growing Frustration, Supporters Grow More Stubborn
San Rafael, CA—February 29, 2016—Respondents to an ongoing survey of voter attitudes are increasingly angry with the antics of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to new results released by Gary Tobin, creator of the website
Tobin, who monitors results daily, reports that the anger leveled at Trump has turned “remarkably consistent” while support for him shows signs that it has peaked. “In addition to ‘votes’ people who leave comments on the site fall into two categories. One is a burgeoning group that indicates that Trump has stepped over the line from being ‘entertaining’ to simply being a boring bully. The comments from his supporters are best summed up by one who wrote ‘it doesn’t matter what comes out, I’ve made up my mind.’”
Tobin indicated that there has been a “significant increase” in votes that describe Trump as egotistical and a buffoon and hefty drop (50 percent) in those who identify him as a successful businessman.
Survey result highlights:
- Immigration is the most identified issue associated with Trump (20.3%)
- Egotistical is the most identified character attribute associated with him (19.4%)
- Other attributes that resonate about him are buffoon (13.6%), his proclivity for insults (12.8%) and those who characterize him as an idiot (11.%) or arrogant (9.8%).
Respondents can vote in multiple categories.
“What is most telling is the marked increase in negative categories and comments,” Tobin said. “When the polling started in October his ‘negatives’ were many but the comments were relatively benign. In the past two weeks, the comment section has exploded with negative comments. Clearly, a broad range of those who are responding have had it with him.
“At the same time, it is also becoming evident that he has a core group of supporters for whom new revelations or charges will not cause erosion in their support of him. However, the size of that group seems to have leveled off.”
An issue that is beginning to resonate is Trump’s refusal to divulge tax information, Tobin said. “My supposition is that Trump did not expect to be this successful with his campaign. He did not expect to have to reveal his financials because he thought that his campaign would be over before the required filing date. Now that he is still the front-runner he is scrambling to figure out what to do. But people aren’t buying his responses.”
The results also indicate that his detractors are no longer sitting on the sidelines, bemused by his Tweet storms. Tobin said those who found him “entertaining” had dropped to 2%. “Frankly, he does not surround himself with people who can dissuade him from his one-note approach to communications. As a result, he continues on a path that has energized voters who had previously remained silent. ‘Restraint’ is not a word in his vocabulary and his style may have run its course except for his true-believers.”
Tobin said, “as Trump might say, our results are the most scientific and the most accurate anywhere in the world. I am entirely self-funding my activities. It’s an all-American process, relying on the tried and true methods that made America great. We are letting the voters have their say.”
Another Tobin site, (pitting former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg against Trump), has not reacted to rumors that Bloomberg might run and has not produced a groundswell.
About TOBIN & Associate
TOBIN & Associates (, headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has operated from offices in San Rafael since 2004. It was founded in 1995. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
New Results from Site Reveal Hardening, Negative Attitudes
Many Question How a “Successful” Businessman Can Declare Bankruptcy Four Times
San Rafael, CA—February 3, 2016—More than four months of continuous polling at the website reveals that attitudes of responders are hardening and focusing in on four areas, according to Gary Tobin, who set up the site in October 2015.
Tobin, who said he monitors the poll results daily, indicated that there has been a “significant increase” in votes that describe Trump as egotistical and a buffoon and hefty drop (50 percent) in those who identify him as a successful businessman.
“While I do not claim to be George Gallup or Mervyn Field,” Tobin said, “I am confident that the results accurately reflect the attitude of those participating in the polling. The primary vehicles for attracting people to the site have been Facebook and the website itself. Disappointingly, I was informed yesterday by a ‘Happiness Engineer’ at that the site had been blocked from search engines but the situation had now been corrected.”
Tobin said he preferred to think of the problem as technical error and not a conspiracy. “There are plenty enough conspiracy theorists out there, believe me,” he said. “I read their comments every day.”
The results of the Iowa primary have not appreciably changed the tenor of the comments or the volume of the votes, he said. He repeated an earlier disclaimer in today’s announcement. “Our polling is rigorous and not influenced by any candidate, party or political pundit,” said Tobin. “You can trust me. The votes are hand counted.
“As Trump himself might say,” he continued, “our results are the most scientific and the most accurate anywhere in the world. And we don’t buy lists to encourage traffic to the site. It’s an all-American process, relying on the tried and true methods that made America great. We are letting the voters have their say.”
Trump, theorizes Tobin, has met his match in the Republican primary on at least two fronts:
- He’s not evangelical as Sen. Ted Cruz and
- He’s not as smooth as Sen. Marco Rubio
“Poll results show that he is perceived as a thin-skinned bully,” said Tobin. “That seems to drive him to Tweet more which costs him support with voters except his base, which is apparently much smaller than he realized.”
Another Tobin site, (pitting former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg against Trump), has not reacted to rumors that Bloomberg might run and has not produced a groundswell.
About TOBIN & Associate
TOBIN & Associates (, headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has operated from offices in San Rafael since 2004. It was founded in 1995. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
2015 News Survey Reflects Changing Sentiment
Open-ended Poll Reveals Consistency In Attitude and Antipathy towards Candidate Running as a “Brand”
San Rafael, CA—October 7, 2015—Results from the continuing survey conducted via the website ( are beginning to verify the weakness of the “polling” numbers for Donald Trump, who is running as a brand and not a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
This according to Gary Tobin (, who established the site “Our polling is rigorous and not influenced by any candidate, party or political pundit,” said Tobin. “You can trust me on this.”
Tobin said that the results of his first survey press release in August received more than 20,000 hits, citing results from Business Wire (over which the release was distributed) as well as “votes” directed to the site from the Internet, Facebook, Linked and Twitter. Business Wire is owned by Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway. “You can’t do better than that,” said Tobin.
To invoke statistical verification techniques championed by Trump, Tobin said, “Our results are the most scientific and accurate anywhere in the world.”
Tobin said there was a marked increase in the number of voters who claimed to be “billionaires” and “who noted the attendance of Hillary Clinton” at their wedding. “Who am I to doubt these claims,” said Tobin. “If you trust Don’s claims about his wealth despite evidence to the contrary, you have to believe my numbers.”
People continue to be most troubled his proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues. They also find him “bombastic” and “egotistical.”
Tobin said he continued to keep personal tabs on the results. “I am taking my cues from Donnie regarding the provision of substance to support claims.”
The site has added a comment section and several new categories for responses. “We are providing our constituency with an alternative place to express their opinions and to voice their concerns,” he said.
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has operated from offices in San Rafael since 2004. It was founded in 1995. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Published: Aug 27, 2015 6:00 a.m. ET
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Aug 27, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates Announces
Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do About Presumed Presidential Candidate
Published: Aug 27, 2015 6:00 a.m. ET
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Aug 27, 2015 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
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SOURCE: TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
Copyright Business Wire 2015
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490
August 27, 2015 03:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
TOBIN & Associates Announces Early Results of Voting
Survey “Reveals” Sentiment About Why People Feel the Way They Do
About Presumed Presidential Candidate
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Early results from sentiments expressed via the website ( indicate that people are most troubled by the presumed candidate’s proclivity for personal insult and his stand on immigration issues, according Gary Tobin, principal of TOBIN & Associates ( which established the website.
“While we must adopt Mr. Trump’s ‘trust me on this’ with regards to survey results,” said Tobin, “clearly the first two weeks of polling indicate that his personal style does not appeal to a ‘silent majority’ not reached by other polls and surveys.”
Tobin declined to reveal raw numbers but said he personally reviewed results and might reveal them at a future date. “I am taking my cues from Mr. Trump regarding providing substance.”
The site allows responders to “self-identify” and to select from several choices regarding which Trump positions most troubled them.
Tobin noted that responses to the polling had come primarily from Facebook and LinkedIn users who clicked through to the site. “Fully 75 percent of my voters registered the ‘insult’ and ‘immigration’ tabs as their primary concerns,” Tobin said.
Another noteworthy result, according to Tobin, was that 20 percent of the responders claimed to be “billionaires,” a category that the site also labels with “trust me on this” as a qualifier.
“We are still in the early stages of developing our reporting model,” said Tobin. “In the coming weeks, we will reveal specifics and more information about attitudes.”
To date, Tobin said that like Trump he was self-funding his efforts, although he did not rule out a change in the future. “I am not affiliated with any party, PAC nor do I have ties to dark money,” he said. “However, I do own additional variations of the “fedupwith…” Trump domain names. Surprisingly, the property was cheap and abundantly available.”
About TOBIN & Associates
TOBIN & Associates (, founded in 1995 and headquartered for nearly a decade in New York City, has been located in San Rafael, CA, since 2004. Tobin’s personal business history includes senior corporate communications positions with major global corporations. He began his career as a journalist with the Palo Alto (CA) Times and later at the San Francisco Chronicle.
TOBIN & Associates
Gary Tobin, 415-256-9490